Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Where did we spend our day?
Today was a really busy day for us! Tanner had to be at the ENT for a pre-operation exam at 8am this morning so 6am came really early. Thank God for coffee. I made homemade waffles for breakfast. Of course, they never get in a hurry for you to be seen so we spent hours in the waiting room. Then they send us to the lab to get blood drawn and after that to the hospital to fill out paper work. While at the hospital, when I'm trying to fill out info about tanner, he decides to take off out the sliding doors into the parking lot. By this point I was stressing out ready to go home.When we made it home, FINALLY, Tanner ate lunch and we laid on the couch watching Alvin & the chipmunks. My mom that I haven't seen in 2 months decided to stop by and pick up tanner for a little while. I got a little break to get everything ready for tomorrow. After dinner, Tanner was ready for bed because no nap was getting to him. We will be up early in the morning and I pray everything goes great!
Monday, March 29, 2010
Marvelous Monday
Today was a really laid back day...I had to catch up on all my t.v. shows that I recorded to the DVR from last week. I love whoever invented that because its a life saver. I was still in the mood to clean after readings those Blogs yesterday so, I finished cleaning up then started cooking dinner. I cooked a pork loin, roasted potatoes and mac & chez. Jeffrey came home early and we surprised him with a CLEAN house and Dinner in the oven! He asked me, "what I was wanting?" because the house was so clean and for working so hard with Tanner. I just laughed. I really should of said, "a day at the spa would be nice." Tanner has done yet another good job on potty training today(Only 2 "tt" accidents and 1 "poo"). I don't expect him to "poo" on the potty right now. Tomorrow Tan-man has a pre-operation exam and then surgery Wednesday to have his Adenoids taken out. Please keep him in your prayers. I hate when he has to be put to sleep.

Tanner Man June 2009-Had to have Buttons in both ears.

Sunday, March 28, 2010
Busy Week
So its been a week since the last time I blogged...Ive been super busy trying to "potty-train" Tanner. It's a "full-time" job! He's doing really good if only they came potty trained. Anybody have tips please let me know. He want potty unless he gets a jelly bean first then he'll potty.After that he gets a sticker to put on his potty chart.It's working so far. Friday, Jeff was off work so we spent the day doing yard work and pressure washing the house. Tanner loves being outside.Then Saturday morning we went to the circus and had a blast. Tanner loved the motorcycles(of course) and the animals the most. Jeffrey bought him a light up sword and boy did he think he was something. When we got home he had a dry diaper and went straight to the potty. I was so proud of him.
Before the Circus started...pony rides.

Saturday Tanner man stayed with my Mimi and went to church with her. After church we met up and ate Lunch.This evening I was reading peoples blogs and came across one that caught my attention. It was about spring cleaning then had links from others who had tips and ideas on how they cleaned. This really got me in the mood. I have been cleaning ever since and got some really great ideas.
Before the Circus started...pony rides.
A dog riding a pony.
After the Circus!!!

Saturday Tanner man stayed with my Mimi and went to church with her. After church we met up and ate Lunch.This evening I was reading peoples blogs and came across one that caught my attention. It was about spring cleaning then had links from others who had tips and ideas on how they cleaned. This really got me in the mood. I have been cleaning ever since and got some really great ideas.
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Lazy Day
Today was one of those days where you just wanted to lay around and do nothing!Jeffrey and i slept late because his mom kept Tanner last night. When we woke up it was snowing outside. Crazy...huh? We just couldn't believe it! Tanner kept saying "snow""snow". We lounged around all evening watching T.V. and spending time together. After nap time I decided it was time to tackle Tanners play room that desperately needed to be cleaned. Its so hard to clean with a 2 yr old who thinks your playing and not cleaning. This is how it turned out.......not that its gonna stay like this very long!
After cleaning Tanners playroom it was time for Dinner so i decided to cook Bacon, eggs, and biscuits with gravy. It was really good.
I know marriage is something you have to work on everyday to show that person u love and appreciate them in every way. I have falling in love with Jeffrey again and it feels great! Maybe almost losing him made me realize that i dont want to live my life with out him in it. Tonight he asked me "did i want to marry him again?" And I said "what do you mean?'' That's when he said '' i want to have a wedding since we didn't get to have one." I would love to have a wedding and get to wear a wedding dress. We ended up just going to the justice of the peace to sign the marriage license. I feel like our relationship is starting over and were getting another shot at it. I thank God everyday that we got back together after splitting up and having every intention of getting a divorce. Jeffrey bought me roses they other day just because and i couldn't believe it.

Saturday, March 20, 2010
First of Many
I'm totally NEW at this but, decided i wanted to start a blog. Over the past few days Ive been reading different blogs & people seem to really enjoy it. I've also been researching photography and really decided that its something I'm going to look into! My husband said he would buy me a new camera if it was something i really wanted to do. So, Yesterday i decided to take some pics of my 6 month old cousin just for fun to play with editing them. I used a free photoshop online and this is how they turned out......

I really had fun taking pictures of her if only my 2 yr old would cooperate long enough for me to take pics of him! So, Peyton ended up staying the night with us last night and i totally forgot how it felt to have a baby! She did not want to go to bed until 1am! The baby fever i was having for awhile has totally gone! Needless to say nothing got done around the house today!
Tanner really loved her being here! He kept calling her "sissy".
After taking Peyton back to her mommy and Tanner going to his Mimi's for the night it was date-nite with the hubby.We ended up going to chili's to eat and to the movies to see The Bounty hunter.It was fun to spend time with my husband that was much needed! He truly is a great husband and father.

Tanner really loved her being here! He kept calling her "sissy".

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