Sunday, April 11, 2010

The Smell

Okay I think its been long enough. The smell I was smelling on Jeffrey is nothing you could of guessed. He was cleaning the floor at a house where a lady had been dead for over 30 days. Crazy, I know! I mean how did her family not know. Her son lived in TX and found out 2 days before Jeffrey was to clean the floor. Her body fluids had drained out and leaked through the wood. The smell he said was nothing you could ever envision. He had to suit up to go inside the house. Rats and maggots had been eating at her body. Of course her body was gone but the fluids were still there. I cant imagine how Jeffrey could stomach this because I would need to visit a psychiatrist after wards.


Melissa said...

what is his job now?? that is CRAZY! ugghhh...

Lindsey Dowdy said...

I'm not suppose to say the name of the company but they clean floors and redo houses that have fire damage.